Having grown up in Istanbul, a city full of street dogs, dogs were around us and were part of our extended lives all the time.  I remember watching these dogs, interacting with each other and with us, and it all seemed so natural and smooth. I always dreamt about having a dog as a child but it could not happen until much later. 

After adopting my first rescue dog (who is now a member of my sister’s family) it soon became obvious that living with a different species is sometimes not as seamless as we hope. In fact, my second rescue was quite a handful and had behaviour issues that were completely new to me. This led me to become fascinated with how we can overcome these behavioural challenges, how to understand each other better and live together more harmoniously.


I started reading and researching endlessly and the more I learned the more interested I became. I decided to leave my corporate career in IT behind to explore the world of dog training and to become a dog trainer myself. 

Whilst pursuing this new path, I encountered many trainers on the ‘dark’ side using questionable and often harmful methods and it was definitely not the path for me. 

I started researching reputable dog training academies using positive methods and I decided to join the Victoria Stilwell Academy of Dog Training and Behaviour to certify as a dog trainer. The Academy is one of the world’s leading institutions for professional dog trainer education founded by Victoria Stilwell, renowned dog behaviour expert. I also had the opportunity to observe and learn from some of the finest and most reputable dog trainers in the UK and US as part of the Academy. I shadowed Jo Pay, European Head of the Victoria Stilwell Academy for months where I gained hands-on skills with a variety of dogs and their guardians.

I always tell my clients, as dog trainers, we do not train their dog (except for most essential behavioral manners), but rather we try to show them the good and cherished ways to be able to train their own dog. This means that we help you understand how dogs learn, what motivates them and how you can understand each other better. Therefore, ultimately, we are showing you the possible ways to have a better life and relationship with your dog and that is what it should all be about.

Can’s scientifically robust, evidence-based knowledge is refreshing in a world with so many conflicting ideas and opinions. His patience and commitment go beyond professional expectations, providing me with advice and reading material long after our engagement had ended.
— Euan, with Spider