Rally obedience is a dog sport that will challenge your dog mentally while having fun and bonding with you. Rally is great for working type breeds who need to be kept busy, but any dog can get involved. Rally is an ongoing sport with different difficulty levels and is a good way to keep occupying your dog mentally and physically. 

In this course we will be learning to complete a series of stations each requiring a certain behaviour. First you will practice these behaviours (sit, down, stay, recall, heel). Later in the course you will learn to link them together in lots of different variations. Rally classes are best suited for dogs over 6 months of age who can perform basic behaviours under distractions and are able to focus on their handler.  

People may associate obedience with harsh teaching techniques. To the contrary, obedience can be achieved using positive methods only. Shouting, lead correction or any form of intimidation is not going to be used in our classes. We believe these methods are harmful to the relationship between a dog and its human and can lead to serious attitude issues.

Not every dog is suited to attend a group class straight-away due to being uncomfortable around dogs. Dogs who are reactive to other dogs will be offered one-to-one help before they join group sessions. 

To book your place on one of our upcoming rally classes, please check out our upcoming classes.