
Did you miss early training with your dog or have you just adopted a dog and would like to start training them new behaviours? ‘Old dog, new tricks’ - no dog is too old to train. Dogs learn in the same way no matter how old they are.

In this course, we will learn basic behaviours, good manners such as walking on a loose lead, polite greeting, sit, down, stay, coming back when called etc.

This class is for dogs who have no serious behaviour issues and are happy to work in close proximity to other dogs.

Not every dog is suited to attend a group class straight-away due to being uncomfortable around dogs. Dogs who are reactive to other dogs will be offered one-to-one help before they can join group sessions.

We take dogs into our Foundation classes from 20 weeks of age. We take a maximum of 6 dogs into our classes.

To book your place on one of our upcoming foundations classes, please check out our upcoming classes.